If you are interested in enrolling your child in our Preschool, please complete the Expression of Interest form below.
Process of Enrolment
- Complete “Expression of Interest Form” above. This will place your child on our contact list for future enrolments.
- Our formal waitlist process begins in March each year, for the following year of enrolment. If your child is on our contact list, you will be sent a Waitlist Form to complete and return to us. Please note your child must be 2.5 years of age by the January for year of enrolment to be eligible to attend. We do not offer a mid-year waitlist as our preschools are fully booked from January each year.
- Our first round of placements are offered in early July, with further offers sent out in August, September and October. If you do not hear from us by the end of October, please contact us 🙂